Shapcano's fiction pageSome of the best fiction available. The Lost Boys stories are an enjoyable read. And if that weren't enough, Shapcano supplies space for other writers and links as well.Now showing: Joint Venture a serial being co-authored by Shapcano and Shadorat (of Winterhawk's Virtual Magespace)! NEW!: Burnout A wonderful introduction to the characters of Burnout and Gears. Check it out! I'd also highly recommend Tat's work, which can be found on Shapcano's fiction page - it all starts with Cadilac Palace and its incredible! And while I'm at it... Check out Nitro's "Two as One". It all starts with San - prologue and its addictive!
Currently showing: Dark Reflections the long awaited third installment of the Crossfire series! And don't forget Cross Fire and Inner Demons. The wonderful novel lenghth tale and its equally wonderful sequel! Plainly stated, this site has some of the best fiction available and its free!!! Between that, the contests and commentaries... what can I say???
The Shadowrun Webring A very good place to start. You can join, or follow the links from the main page. You're bound to have an interesting trip!
Send me e-mail if you'd like to recomend a page... deckerm@ix.netcom.com
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