Burger Dracs The Cynic's Corner Sayings This week's top ten list Previous Top Tens Quotes |
They say its best to keep your sense of humor in a stressful situation, but maybe we've taken it a little too far Burger Drac's
This is an example of what happens when a couple of writer's are bored and killing time... The idea originally started through a missunderstanding, but what we ended up with was the idea for a Dragon run Burger joint... Thanks to Shadorat's : "You WILL have some fries with that!" and my answering "Have it OUR way!" Burger Drac's was born. (I really need to get a life!)
Service with a smile
The Cynic's Corner
The quotes file
Writing on the WallsSome sayings go without saying... That which does not kill us
The more you run over a dead cat, the flatter it gets. How Duck got her nameOkay, we all know the real whay Duck got her name, (her grandmother), but these are the answers she usually gives:
This week's Top TenTop 10 Signs something has gone terribly wrong
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